Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I got to wash my hair for the first time in a week!  It feels good to be clean and at home.  Bathing is going to be a challenge though- since I can't get my catheter wet and it is hanging out of my chest.  Fortunately, Eric got me a detachable shower head so I can have better control of the water. 

We got my medicines from the pharmacy today- super expensive- hopefully I can get on Medicaid soon because everything is so expensive. 

I have tomorrow to relax and get a few things together (especially my menu), then Thursday I am going to do dialysis.  Right now I am doing hemodialysis which is where they take blood out of my body, clean it, and cycle it back in.  This has to be done at a clinic which I will need to attend 3 days a week.  Eventually, I might move on to paratenial dialysis which I can do at home while I sleep.  The port for that takes 6 weeks to install though, and I'm hoping to be approved to a transplant soon.

So this will be my first x-mas in NC seeing as I can't travel away from my dialysis center.  I'm pretty disappointed about missing out on my family and friends, but at least I won't be stuck in stressful holiday traffic. 

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